Discover your stronger and healthier body. Reconnect and be more present to yourself.

Offering Yoga classes online and in person,

as well as a Mindfulness Practices that will change your life!

Nathalie was a professional dancer and knows the importance of body alignment and core in order to have healthy and sound body movement.


Her passion for movement has evolved over the years into a quest to help all who desire to improve their capacity to move better do well in their physical activities.


With her knowledge of dance, postural rehabilitation, yoga training and mindfulness studies, Nathalie is able to assess your needs and tailor the sessions just for you.


What is gracefulness? The coordination of the breath, the movement of the body, and the observation of the mind.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    - Rodney Yee

telephone: 403.870.2720