Mindfulness Practices
Come and experience mindfulness, be more present to your life,
have more clarity of mind and allow yourself to thrive in your world.
Bring into your life mindfulness practices. Whether you choose movingness practice by Peter Appel, breathing techniques, meditation practices you will learn the importance, necessity and benefits of maintaining your body and mind at baseline, as well as how to reconnect, and be more grounded/present in your life. Your ability to calm your mind, listen to your needs and bring yourself to baseline daily will increase. You will find yourself happier, have more vitality, and energy to face the world and its challenges.
To make successful life changes you need time and regular practice.
Please contactnathalie at yogalove.ca to book your initial assessment.
4 Private 1 hr. Mindfulness Practices
• online $300.00
• in person $380.00
8 Private 1 hr. Mindfulness Practices
• online $560.00
• in person $720.00
Group classes available upon request.
Contact nathalie at yogalove.ca for information.
telephone: 403.870.2720